Making the books available Authors/publishers intending to have their books reviewed in ICHR are requested to send two copies of the book by post/courier, free of cost, to the Executive Editor, ICHR in the following address: Dr. Jose Kalapura, Xavier Institute of Social Research, Digha Ghat, P. O., PATNA-800 011, Email [email protected] with copy marked […]
Notes for Contributors to ICHR
Contributors are requested to follow ICHR’s Style guidelines 2014 which is published in all issues of the journal and is posted in CHAI Website at It will help immensely for faster processing and error-free editing, if writers follow the recommended style sheet, especially with regard to citation and preparation of endnotes/references. Articles ICHR welcomes […]
General Body Meeting of CHAI
Dear Members, As per the decision of the Board of Trustees Meeting held on 12 October 2013, the General Body Meeting of Church History Association of India is convened to meet at 2.15 pm on Saturday the 1 November 2021 at the Conference Hall of Social Development Centre (SDC), Ranchi. Tentative Agenda 1. Prayer 2. […]
Call for Papers: 16th Triennial Conference
The Church History Association of India will be organizing the 16th CHAI Triennial Conference in Ranchi, Jharkhand, India. The theme of the conference is “Peoples’ History: Christianity, Culture and Development”. Read an explanation of the conference theme here. Register for the Conference Conference Program The sessions of the Conference will start in the forenoon of […]

North West India in the 19th and 20th Centuries
Northwest India in the 19th and 20th Centuries, published by Church History Association of India and authored by John C. B. Webster, former professor at the Guru Nanak University of Amritsar, the Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, the Union Theological Seminary of New York, and the United Theological College in Bangalore, was released on the Eve of […]
15th Triennial Conference of the South Indian Branch
The 15th Triennial Conference of the South Indian Branch of the Church History Association of India CHAI (15 – 17 May 2022) was inaugurated at Bangalore by the Vice-Chancellor of the Christ University Dr. Thomas C. Matthew by lighting a bronze lamp in the DVK Philosophy auditorium in the presence of Dr. Saju Chackalakkal (President […]

Book Release
The latest book in the History of Christianity in India multi-volume series will be released by the end of this month at New Delhi. History of Christianity in India, Vol V, Part 2 is written by Dr. John C. B. Webster and it is titled “North West India in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries” The […]

A Short Bio on Late Rev. Prof. Dr. A. Mathias Mundadan
Rev. Prof. Dr. A. Mathias Mundadan CMI, Professor Emeritus of Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram left for his eternal reward on 31 August 2012. Born on 12 November 1923, he entered the CMI Congregation in 1944, and was ordained a priest on 25 March 2022 after completing his philosophical and theological studies at St. Joseph’s Pontifical Seminary, […]

Dr. A. Mathias Mundadan Passed Away
Prof. Dr. A Mathias Mundadan (1923−2012), CMI, was an authority on History of Christianity in India. He has written numerous books and articles on Indian Church History. He has served in various capacities including as the President of CHAI, General Editor of CHAI series, Rector of Dharmaram College, President of DPI, Provinicial of CMI Rajagiri […]
Southern India Branch Conference , Thrissur, 2009
Circular No.2 Dear CHAI Member, Greetings from CHAI Southern Branch Secretary. The CHAI Southern Branch Executive Body Meeting was held on 18.07.2022 at Dharmaram College, Bangalore, to finalize the programmes of the Southern Branch Conference to be held from the afternoon of 17 to 19 October noon, 2009. The venue of the meeting is DBCLC […]